E-Tube Project 3.4.5: there may be a problem with the internet connection

If you've try to run E-Tube Project 3.4.5 recently, then you have probably gotten a rather confusing message:

There may be a problem with the internet connection or the Shimano's web server. Wait a little while and try again.

While it seems serious, you can actually still use the software. However, it won't download new firmware files from the internet.

E-Tube Project 3.4.5 was released in 2019, and it comes with firmware up to that period. Have a look at Shimano's firmware page to see whether or not there's newer firmware for your components.

E-Tube 3.4.5 there is a problem

So why would you use E-Tube Project 3.4.5 if version 4.0.4 works fine too?

You either have 10-speed components that you need to update, or you need to update the SM-BCR2 charger. See more on updating the charger on this page.

In all other scenarios, I'd probably use version 4.0.4 instead.