10/11-speed Di2 beginner's guide to Di2
Just bought a new Di2 bike? This page explains what the buttons do, how to charge (and how often) and what synchronized shfit does.
The Shimano FD-6870-F is a braze-on road Di2 front derailleur that can also be mounted using a clamp. It weighs 138.5 g and supports a top gear maximum of 46T-53T & total capacity of 16T.
When used with the BT-DN110 battery, the 6870 derailleurs are also synchronized shift capable. This front derailleur doesn't allow for as much flexibility as the newer ones do though.
Read more on that in my complete guide to synchronized shift.
Just bought a new Di2 bike? This page explains what the buttons do, how to charge (and how often) and what synchronized shfit does.
Does your old 10 speed Di2 bike need an upgrade to 11 speed? Want to add Synchro Shifting? This is the definitive Di2 upgrade guide.
Read how to set up your two-adjustment-bolt Di2 Front derailleur (6870, 9070)
Synchronized Shifting - what is it exactly? What does it do and how can you set it up? This page will guide you through the process of setting up synchro shift.
Bought a new Di2 derailleur or have to replace your old one? Read FD-6870 / FD-9070 Di2 Front Derailleur installation instructions here.