E-Tube Project Archive

Updated July 14, 2024 by BetterShifting Terry

Looking for an older E-Tube Project version to use with decade-old Di2 components? Want to use your SM-BCR2 charger with E-Tube Project? You'll need version 3.4.5 or version 4.0.4.

Are you on 12-speed Di2 and want to connect the SM-PCE02? Use version 5 / Professional, or the mobile app.

Or perhaps you're trying to restore an SM-BMR1 battery mount using the SM-PCE1?

Whatever your use case is, this page lists every version of E-Tube Project ever released to the public, with download links.

E-Tube Project 2 and 3

E-Tube Project version 2 works with the SM-BCR2 and the SM-PCE1.

Ultegra 6770 Di2 should be used with E-Tube Project 3.4.5. If you're updating the SM-BMR1/SM-BMR2 battery mounts, do not use the SM-BCR2 or the SM-PCE02. Only the SM-PCE1 will work 100% with these battery mounts.

E-Tube Project 4

E-Tube Project V4 works with the SM-BCR2, the SM-PCE1, and the SM-PCE02.

If you're using an older SM-BCR2 charger, there is a chance that E-Tube V4 does not recognize the device:

SM-BCR2 recognition. The process is interrupted because the version of SM-BCR2's firmware is old. Connect to the Internet and download the latest version of the firmware.

In that case, download E-Tube Project version 3.4.5, and use that to connect to your bike. Doing so will automatically update the SM-BCR2 firmware.

E-Tube Project V5 / Professional

Version 5 of the software only works with the SM-PCE02, and it is also the only version that supports 12-speed Di2 (R7150 / R8100 / R9200).

Windows USB drivers

You shouldn't need to install drivers in order to use your Di2 interfaces with E-Tube Project, but I've included them on this page anyway, for completeness' sake.

SM-PCE02 drivers

Download the zip file, extract it to your hard drive, and then run the file "ftdibus_(32 or 64)_usbinst.exe". When the installer has completed, run the file "ftdiport_(32 or 64)_usbinst.exe".
Note that you may have to run these files as administrator.

SM-BCR2 drivers

Download the zip file, extract it to your hard drive, and then run the file "usbinst.exe".
Note that you may have to run this file as administrator.

SM-PCE1 drivers

Download the zip file, extract it to your hard drive, and then run the file "usbinst.exe".
Note that you may have to run this file as administrator.

BetterShifting Terry

About the Author - BetterShifting Terry

I enjoy playing with bike tech - both bike building and wheel building, bike maintenance and of course, Di2. Besides writing content and working on the technical side of BetterShifting, I also work as a Software Developer in The Netherlands. Read more on the About this site page.

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